Process analysis before RPA implementation

Dedicated automation project

Business Process Automation is introduced for many reasons. Most often, the company's goal is to improve the quality of services provided and accelerate the implementation of tasks. Automation translates into strengthening the competitive position of the company in the market.

Automation requires proper preparation, especially in terms of the analysis of the current IT infrastructure - the systems and applications used and determining the applicable process implementation scheme in the company. Relationships between processes are identified and verified thanks to using process analysis.

We offer our partners the RPA implementation to automate routine activities. Especially for the processes that take a lot of time for employees, are performed with a delay or too high a percentage of errors.

Testing the efficiency of human and robot work

Before implementing RPA, it is worth conducting tests that will assess the efficiency of work undertaken by a human to the tasks performed by a robot. The obtained results will indicate whether the indicated process requires automation, or maybe only standardization and better coordination of tasks.

The RPA implementation process should start shortly after analyzing the processes and target needs of the company. In this way, the company will justify the business need to introduce automation and indicate areas that require optimization.

Thanks to this, the team of business analysts and RPA engineers will prepare robots with greater accuracy to perform the assigned tasks.

The role of a business analyst in the preparation of the RPA project

The RPA analyst is responsible for identifying processes that are amenable to automation. He obtains information about the methods of realization of the process/processes. He asks about the requirements that the robot must meet to successfully complete the process. RPA analyst for this purpose meets with the client and observes how the process is carried out manually.

The main tasks of a business analyst are:

  • Gathering information about the functionalities of the system/software/application.
  • Designation of processes with high potential for automation.
  • Proposing methods of implementing the robot.
  • Preparation of documentation about processes to automation.
  • Preparation of Process Roadmap - process steps to be recreated by the robot.
  • Designing a robot according to customer requirements.
  • Performing tests while preparing the RPA solution.
  • Recommendation of further processes to automation.

A business analyst checks 
during the process analysis

  • How much time does an employee need to implement a specific process?
  • How many tasks can an employee perform within a certain time?
  • How many times did the employee deviate from the process execution model?
  • What software/applications/system/websites are used in the process?

What types of robots can 
the company choose?

  • Attended bots - work from the desktop. They help employees perform repetitive tasks.
  • Unattended bots - run in the background.
    They don't cause difficulties in performing other business tasks. They often work on separate virtual environments/servers.

RPA automation models

What else do you need to know about pre-implementation analysis?

Check how your team carries out the process in the company.

  • Indicate the percentage of repetitive processes for all processes carried out in the company.
  • Assess the frequency of errors and indicate the effectiveness ratio achieved.
  • Pay attention to the goals set and the degree of their achievement during the analysis.
If you're not satisfied with the results and your business processes are schematic, it's time to automate them.

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