in the health service

automation in medical centres

There is a huge potential for automation in healthcare. However, a large part of health care centers do not know about or do not intend to introduce automation of business processes in their structures in the near future. According to McKinsey, about 30 percent of tasks regularly performed by medical and hospital staff is suitable for automation.

RPA is a software that seamlessly integrates with applications and legacy systems. It is able to repeat predictable human behavior and also integrates easily with data bases, i.e. to find information about the patient / free time / available doctor or recalculate costs. The robot will log into the system, find available date for a medical visit, book invoices, check the availability of places in the hospital or mark the missing medical equipment.

It is EXpected that RPA will find application in an increasing number of medical centres.

The main task of automation will be to relieve employees from performing repetitive operations, i.e. acquisition or analyzing data.

Automation in health care

why introduce rpa in a medical institution?

QUALITY of operation in the first place

Thanks to RPA, actions taken in hospitals or clinics can be significantly accelerated, which will be felt by patients. Currently, they wait too long to be connected to make an appointment or are notified too late that the surgery date has been postponed. There are weaknesses in the communication and organizational dimension. Automation leads to an increase in the quality of services provided and leads to savings in staff time and costs for correcting mistakes.

What tasks will the robot perform in healthcare facilities?

  • Planning a medical visit
  • Reminding about the date of a medical visit
  • Private medical visits fees accounting
  • Virtual medical files support
  • Entering data of patients and new employees into the system
  • Introducing test results into the electronic patient card
  • Segregation of documents sent to the e-mail
  • Interviewing and giving information to the patient
  • Calculation of the amount due for treatment fees
  • Verification of vendor status

Factors for investing in automation are:

  • A large number of inquiries from patients
  • A large number of incoming calls
  • Limited number of staff to arrange and postpone medical appointments
  • Low quality of patient service
  • Too many tasks to complete during patient registration for a medical appointment
  • A need to fill in forms manually
  • A need to search for folders to move documents

RPA is also helping doctors

Automation of healthcare processes relieves doctors from administrative tasks and helps in faster response to patients' health problems. It contributes to a considerable saving of time. You can safely entrust the robot with the preparation of summary reports and recording of patient data. The larger the scale of the investment, the more visible the savings (financial and time).

Chatbots are used often in healthcare

Chatbots are software used for communicating with patients. They improve the speed of patient service and increase the quality of services provided.

What tasks does the chatbot perform?
- Responds to patient inquiries
- Books an appointment with a doctor
- Proposes a new date for a medical visit
- Notifies physician about a saved patient
- Calculates the estimated cost of prescription drugs
The chatbot will arrange an appointment for the patient
Cooperation between wholesalers and hospitals

Hospitals, clinics and pharmacies cannot survive without medical equipment and drugs. That is why maintaining and developing contacts with suppliers plays such an important role.
For this purpose, employees record the accepted and used materials and drugs in the system according to the adopted specification - they check the quantities needed for the efficient operation of the facility and the treatment of patients on an ongoing basis. The activities related to updating the number of drugs owned by a medical facility, preparing reports summarizing purchases, calculating expenses and preparing relevant documents can perform by the robot.
The robot will order the appropriate amount of drugs to the hospital or clinic based on the current stock levels and contracts with selected pharmaceutical companies.

The implementation of RPA should be professional.


Involvement of all branch directors and managers to participate in discussions that will define goals and determine processes that require optimization.
Indication of the processes with the highest equivalent (importance) and in which errors occurred too often.
Analyzing IT infrastructure resources.
Training for employees on automation.
A detailed description of selected processes of automation and list of possible deviations.
Test implementation of the robot into the medical environment to evaluate its operation.

By conducting PoC (Proof of Concept), we assess whether the robot will be useful
in your organization and in which processes it is helpful.
Feel free to contact us. 
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 We will answer as soon as possible.

phone number:
+48 12 400 42 10
Diamante Plaza Krakow
Jana Dekerta 24
 30-703 Kraków